(c) megamanxultimate megamanxz56@aol.com
Edited by xdarkzerox xdarkzerox@yahoo.com
Get It at teh begging. Same as the X5 besides the fact it can't fly.
Which takes the whole falcon out of it. Plus now it can charge up the
1. Laser Institute; Armor
Requirements: None
This is an easy part to find, all you have to do is to take
the lower route in the laser institute where you have to do
the laser puzzle,Go until you drop down and see this wall on
your left.As you can see in the picture,it is a fake wall.
Jump to the invisible platform to the left of the fake wall,
and then jump again to the capsule.
2. Amazon Area; Legs
This capsule is right in the beginning of the amason area.
When you start the level,go all the way to your right and go
down into the hole in the bottom where one of those mechanicla
cricket-things are at, from there destroy it and go through,
there you'll see the capsule right next to an injured reploid.
3. Central Museum; Helmet
Requirements: For the capcom people to get a life...
No offence but this is the stupidest capsule you can ever get.
It's not easy but in fact stupid. 4 times out of 8 (1/2) of the
time you'll be able to reach it. It's different every one of
those 8 times. don't ask me how to get it. When you see it
there is ALWAYS a way to get to it as long as you don't exit the
screen (place).
4. Weapon Center; Arm
Requirements: Now I truley mean that the capcom people need a life
... go to blue portal... left... heart piece and capsule...
capcom... lazy...
The blade armor has a few advantages over the falcon. It has a larger charged
shot, and you chage up and press a certain button the Z saber slashes a charged
shot. It's Giga attack sucks. It can charge up weapons.
1. Inami Temple; Armor
Requirements: Be smart, d-barrier, hyper dash/blade armor
This capsule is the hardest to get in the game. It is the
biggest pain in the ass unless you know what to do.If you
want to make this easy,you'll need to have the hyper dash
and the d-barrier part.All the way at the end at the end of
the inami temple stage (where there are the sections that
have spikes in the ledges)Take the upper most right ledge.
There you'll see a tunnel lined with spikes that you need
to cross to get the capsule.Make one of the maverick bomb
bat's follow you over the entrance of the tunnel and let the
bomb bat to hit you with it's bomb.As soon as you get hit,dash
your way in across the spikes.You should have enough time to get
across.If you don't have the D-barrier and the hyper dash,you'll
need to use the blade armor and time your air dash so that you
miss the spikes.
2. North Pole Area; Leg
Requirements: Ultimate armor/ Blade Armor/ Double Jump
Play the magma river stage first (to make the magma meteor's
to appear)then go to into the northpole area stage. After you get
past all of the falling ice boulders,you'll see a hill sloping down
to the right. At the bottom of that hill, you'll notice a ledge that
is out of normal jumping range.Use iether the ultimate armor or the
blade armor to get this capsule.If using ultimate armor, then use
the nova strike to rach it, if using the blade armor, then up-dash to
the ledge and retrieve the capsule.
3. Recycleing center: Helmet
Requirements: Hyper Dash, Speedster, Double Jump
When you get to the part where you go down or you can keep going left,
and go down the ladder. Now make a leap of faith to the other side and air dash
if you must or double jump. Make sure to make it!
4. Magma River; Arms
Requirements: Double Jump, Blade Armor
When you beat the mini boss for the last time, Go up to the very top where only
the blade armor and double jump can reach go up till you can't go up anymore and
there it is.
go left, dash all the way to the end.
This is the coolest and geatest armor ever. It can jump on top of walls,
Awesome Giga attack. But the only disadvantages are that it can't use
weapons. Did I mention it can walk on spikes?
UA= On the main menu where it says Game start put in Left(3) and right (1).
BA= " " " " " " " L1(3) and R1 (1).