(c) xdarkzerox
1. Dark Dizzy
Suggestions: falcon armor, fourth armor
In the Dark Dizzy stage where the anti-gravity systems
are, you'll see the Heart piece in perfect reach depending on
which way you have the gravity pulling. If you have it the
right way, it will be sitting safely on the ledge, if you
don't have it right, it will be sitting on the spikes.
2. Burn T-Rex
Requirements: Sacrifice
In the fire chamber of burn T-Rex's stage, go all the way
to the left and go down the hole in the ground. There it
will be with another life, get both and die. Or just get
the HP and run out!
3. Grizzy Slash
Requiremnets: Gaea Armor
Use the Gaea Armor to walk on the spikes that are on the top
of the giant green car in the Grizzly slash stage. You have
to wall kick up the shaft in the center of the car to get on top.
4. Duff McWhalen
Requirements: Gaea Armor
After you fight the huge fish in the Duff McWhalen stage, Use the
Gaea Armor to wall kick up the spiked shaft at the right side of
the sunken ship area. There you'll find yourself the sunken treasure.
5. Axle the Red
Requirements: Gaea Armor
At the beginning of the Axle the red stage, Use the Gaea Armor blaster
to break throught the V crates. You will eventually see the Heart sitting
on a ledge. You then must push the V crates by dashing into them. Push them
close to the edge so you can reach the Heart. It may tke a few tries.
6. Squid Alder
Requirements: Gaea Armor (Again)
Right before the the boss in the Squid Adler stage there will be a switch
door in the ceiling on the left side of the room. Shoot the switch to open
the door, and then use the Gaea Armor to blast the V crates. Open the next
switch door to get the Heart.
7. Izzy Glow
Requirements: Gaea Armor or Falcon Armor
At the beggining of the stage fall down the first pit to each the HP with
spikes under it. Use the Gaea Armor for the best affect or falcom armor
there with the cost of death usually.
8. The Skiver
Requirements: none
On the last elevator there will be a lot of enemies and a HP at the end,
not too hard huh?