(c) xdarkzerox ========================================= This stage has somewhat of an early boss just bsh there the first line of defence to the giant robot. You can either fight him or not by ignoring him to the big door and destroy it. Charges shots work well or the 3 hit combo too. Get inside and head down. The place will start to rumble. Go insidde to Magma Dragoon. He will leave and you will go to part 2. -------------------------------------- Zero= This battle is too easy. Jump and slash to the point where he is real weak. Exchanging hits a great option, he barely hurts. X= Charged shots only on this guy. Dodge him more thatn shoting. Due to the long wait of charging it may be you fisrt difficult BOSS. After the battle the Colonel Will show up. He will talk to you and teleport out. So will you. The Following Guide is more to the Zero stroy line than X. Sorry for all the X players I will give you a guide here to fight what enemies when. Zero X ============================================= First of all if you are Zero let me teach you a little trick. Press X and [] at the same time he goes a little in the air and dies a slash if you do this repeatedly you are almost invincible. Now go across the first water part and fall down to the middle part where the right screeen can be entered and a CAPSULE will be. This is for X only. Get the LEG UPGRADE and keep going down. This is the fun part. Bust through many of the enemies. Watch out for the unbeatable spikes and things clinged ot the wall. Just keep going and sustaining damage along the way. get to the logs. Go past the fast holding the dash button and jumping from one to another. If it's more comtorable use DASH as R1. Now continue your way up to the top of the place. there will be a door at the top you must bust open. Now get to the 2nd part. -------------------------------------- Zero= Use the Z-saber jump and jump to the wall and jump over the spider web he throws. then when he gets to the middle and makes a big web, Jump slahs and exchange hits if you have not taken any yet. X= USe the Charged Buster and shot him when he comes down and jump over his webs. When he gets to the middle, Shay away and shoot from a far. ============================================== You'll start on a stair case up. I can't explain much here but don't get hit till you the to the next area. Now kill the enemies on the walls and flying at you and make good jumps. Go up the ladder to the ladybugs and stuff, detroy them all and go up. Take the left side up, it's easier. Go up te ladder and watch out the the spikes on each side. Keep going up till the spike togethers show up. They hit each other and hurt the hell out of you. Make it up fast to the SUB BOSS. With Zero this isn't worth the time. Stay in one place till it raises. Get out of the way and THUNDER BOLT him to get 1/3 of the energy away a peiece. With X used charged shots and rapid fire. Now to area 2. -------------------------------------- Zero= Use you jump slash till it hits the ground. Then, use THUNDER BOLT till it dies. Repeat if he does. X= Com'n just use SPIDER WEB over and over. If your X go to CYBER PEACOCK. IF your Zero continue down to MAGMA DRAGOON. Get the HEART PIECE of SPLIT MUSHROOM now with Zero. ============================================= Start off by going down the hill and watch out for the meteors.Now just keep timng your jumps and you'l make it past the next part. It's not too hard. Maybe a few hits are in order. Watch out for stuff that comes out of the ground and gert the ENERGY PELLET. Defeat the Mets and go past a few more fire things on the ground a huge robot and bats. Now the 3 meteors can be hard. AIR DASH if you X or Zero if not then double jump and hope. Watch out for the meteors and hang on the wall when they come. take out the door at the top and go to area 2. -------------------------------------- ARMOR= Jump and slash the whole time till it is destroyed, easily takeing off over 50% of MAGMA DRAGOONS HEALTH. Zero= use the DOUBLE JUMP and THUNDERBOLT whenever you got the time and 3 hit combo with the Z-saber. X= Dodge all of his attacks and fire away at him like there's not tomorrow. Use DOUBLE CYCLONE and he will repeat a pattern even too easy for any beginner to learn. After the battle he will tell you he was starving to beat X/Zero. So he joined the REPLIFORCE. X goes to FROST WALRUS and Zero goes to CYBER PEACOCK. Also you can go back to webspider's stage and get the HEART PIECE. ============================================= This is a part I can't really do good on so bare with me. You are racing against the time so go fast and SOUL BODY and DOUBLE JUMP your way throught the eyballs. If you get lower than an A you have to do it over. Run and do the special move I said before and the thing you'll get at the end if you get S rank is an HELMET UPGRADE after that it will be a FREE LIFE. The next 2 parts are the same but be faster. go the bottom way on 2nd part and get a HEART TANK as a prize. The 3rd one ump a lot and dash to the end where the prize for S is a E-TANK. To part 2. -------------------------------------- CYBER PEACOCK Zero= just use the FLARE over and over. Run around when you can't see it. X= same stratagy as Zero, just use SOUL BODY instead. NOW YOU'LL HAVE TO FIGHT THE COLONEL. IF YOU ZERO YOU WON"T HAVE TO IN GAMEPLAY, IF YOUR X THEN YOU WILL, USE THE FOLLOWING STRATIGY BEFORE THE SECOND FIGHT OF THE COLONEL. X to STORM OWL and Zero to FROST WALRUS. Go in at go up to the top and right. Before you do this, look at the backround. IT'S BLIZZARD BUFFALO! Anyways go up and get the stash of ENERGY PELLETS and WEAPON PELLETS. Go up by DOUBLE JUMPING and get more ENERGY PELLETS and drop down and go back and get the FREE LIFE and HEART PIECE above with the RAISING FIRE/FLARE. Now go right and jump over all the spikes till you go skating. Go to the end of the wall on the right and jump on it and go up to get the EX-TANK. Go back down and skate some more to the part where a ENERY CASPULE is. Get it and go down. Go down and get past the Ice that goes up to the SUB BOSS. Notice CHILL PENGUIN is in the backround. Use FLARE OR, RAISIN FIRE on him to death. -------------------------------------- X/Zero= just use the fire move right next to him and go the opposite way of him go on the wall and dash over him. Later he will do the ICE BERGS in the air. Just avoid them and continue. X goes to JET STINGRAY and Zero goes to STORM OWL. ============================================== THUNDERBOLT works well on the big ships. Get in the ARMOR. Stay right in front of the guns and jump and fire after the BEAM. Then go up the ladder and get the ENERGY PELLET, go back to the ARMOR. Make sure to get the HEART PIECE before the ship explodes and go to the next BEAMs and going right past them. Nothing new for the rest of the 1st art of this level. -------------------------------------- Zero= Giga atack him and DOUBLE JUMP him in between going away. Then just exchange hits till he is dead or you get more GIGA ATTACKS. X= Aim and fire. lol X goes to MAGMA DRAGOON. Zero goes to JET STINGRAY. ============================================== This place is an extreme pain in the ass. I'll give you how many jumps till the HEART PEICE and that's it. After 2 jumps just fall and press forward on the next one. Now to the second part. -------------------------------------- Zero= use it after you DOUBLE JUMP to him above water repeat till dead. X= use FROST TOWER when he is above the water and repeat. ZERO and X go to SLASH BEAST. ============================================== Now go through and take out the crates and stuff. Jump over the gap where the robots blows up.take out all the little mets and go around the gap again. You can't destroy the crates by normal means. Go past them. the next parts just easy to hammer away the little things. Here comes the final gap. Jump over it to the SUB BOSS. Use FLARE with Zero or charged X-buster shots unless you find somthing better. -------------------------------------- Zero= use all different types of things and dodge him. He's not as hard as MAGMA DRAGOON but he still is a pain. X= Use the ground hunter and dodge the TWIN SLASHER! Now get anything you missed before and head to the COLONEL. -------------------------------------- He is a pain. No walls to cling on so :( Make sure yoou have atleast the LEG UPGRADE before you fiht him. GIGA ATTACK or the ARM UPGRADE are good too. He has a pattern remeber it and you should do fine. ============================================= Just go through to the building. It should be easy. Use your strongest weapons to do dirty damage. Once your in the second building go up the ladder and take out the spikey things all the way up to the top. Now to the Colonel. -------------------------------------- Zero= Just watch his patterns and jump around and slash a lot. When he does "energy vator" dodge the lightning and cling to the walls then inbetween the lightning. "ground crush" is easy to dodge so just double jump over before it hits it's peak. X= Look at the moves I stated for Zero. Use the same stratigy as the first fight but add in these moves to the equsion. Plus the walls help! The COLONEL will tell that they are already gone! Get going to the space port! =============================================== If your X you'll have a little FMV schene. If your Zero then you will not anyways start the level. This level is a pain. Super lasers and big robots don't mix. Just go through it fast to the BOSS. -------------------------------------- X= this guy is too easy. Follow his pattern for a while giving it the charged shots and it will be done fast. -------------------------------------- Zero= this enemy is a pain if it's the first time. Hit the robot till the JEWEL comes out of it destroying the homing things. Then hit the JEWEL for damage to be done. When it fires the JEWEL RAY, it fires up so be foar from the wall when it does, then the Robot will fire straight. Be careful. This will be a long fight. If your Zero there will be a FMV. Now make your way down then up the ladder. Now you have a choice. Go straight. Go throught the door and DOUBLE JUMP or AIR DASH or the spikes. Go through dodgeing the big beams and the big robots destroyed. UYOu should make it to the end. Get the ENERGY CAPSULE and go to the second BOSS. -------------------------------------- X= this battle is easy with him. Since he's so tall and TWIN SLASHER reaches up to him and hurts a lot use it. Zero= This is the hardest battle in the game IMO. The only thing I can really do for you is to say whenever he is going around the place DOUBLE JUMP over him and slash him and when he uses the ARMS as weapon's, go up close and hit him with DASH AND SLASH if you can. Just hope you have a few spare E-tanks. This battle is a drag. After the battle he will tell you that the weapon is about to fire, get ready to go and take it out! ============================================== Get all the ENERGY things on the way to the BOSS ROOM and I'll give you a bit of a graph WEB SPIDER EP WP MAGMA DRAGOON CYBER PEACOCK SIGMA STORM OWL JET STINGRAY FROST WALRUS If your Zero you'll have a little talk. If not you'll get cracking. -------------------------------------- Easy. -------------------------------------- Easy, Jump over him and hit him. For the thing that goes around, go under him, for the thing in the wall, make sure it goes to the wall and go over him and hit him while he does the EYE LASER. -------------------------------------- A bit tough, just attack both parts and learning the patterns it may take a while though. Remember if you die, you fight all of them again!!! After the battle the GENERAL will block the gun and will die. You go off to the ending if your X or Zero, I won't spoil it for you though...
Go up and watch for falling objects. Get the ENERGY PELLET and continue up and around to the falling obfects again. Be careful they can instantly kill you. then keep heading right to the part where you are encloed in. Detroy the right middle part and go throw it. The next platform will calapse under you to a ENERGY CAPSULE and a FREE LIFE. hurry on up to meet IRIS or/ and to the BOSS.
Webspider Webspider
Split Mushroom Split Mushroom
Magma Dragoon Cyber Peacock
Cyber Peacock Storm Owl
Frost Walrus Magma Dragoon
Storm Owl Frost Walrus
Jet Stingray Jet Stingray
Slash Beast Slash Beast
be extremly careful of the spider webs. They can be a pain. watch your back because right for the fall down part caterpilliars will ambush you from behind. Go down and left killing the bees. Now get to the bee Hives. take them out quikly or... well you know. Make your way throught them go to the end and down and get the ENERGY PELLET. Head right. See the wood in the middle? it burns. There will be a few of them within the level. Be sure to come back with RISING FIRE or HEAT BLADE. Go up to the part where the wood is again. It is very hard to reach Without the AIR DASH. Keep going till you go up. You can make fire and take the shortcut or go the long way around to the ENERGY CAPSULE. Keep heading right to the BOSS.
You'll be heading up the stairs again. After that the HEAT PIECE will be above. If you X use the SPIDER WEB and get up there. If your Zero use the DOUBLE JUMP once you get it. Go throught this part fast and don't get stuck. Now you'll be in an elevator. take out all the plants that appear. Don't get crsuhed by the stuff above you. Once the plant with spiks shows up dash to the right fast. take out the 2 plants together. get the ENERGY PELLET and the WEAPON PELLET and go to the BOSS!
Watch out for the meteors and go kinda fast because some platforms will be destroyed! Get the ENERGY PELLET and destroy the robot. DOUBLE JUMP or AIR DASH to the top left for a HEART PIECE. Watch out for falling meteors and if your X air dash to the top right and charge up the TWIN SLASHER and break the wall for a ARMOR CAPSULE. Go to the ARMOR CARRIER and get in it. Now you can go to the lava. Watch out for falling things and such and make sure it doesn't get damaged. If it's not destroyed you can go the down way at the end to fight the BOSS with it. If it was destroyed go up and back down.
Just press the buttons and make your way throught to a blue tunnel kinda. Press the button fast or you'll get hurt. Hope that you don't get hit on the way down on this part. Keep going till you get to the part where the ball is rolling. Do not press the switch till the ball is to the end that it can go. Keep doing that and go through. Now the BOSS comes.
Now thi sis fun. bash through the ICE CUBES and go the top way. Keep going and make your way down. Make it so you go the top way now. get to the end of the ICE CUBES and there is an W-TANK in an ICE CUBE. Get it and go. Nothing specail for the rest of the level. just kill the ICE BIRDS before they freeze the place. Besides gettin the WEAPON CAPSULE at the end.
Now thi sis the bad part. Watch out for the super lasers and get on the moving platform. If your X get to the end and use SPIDER WEB and get on it and try to jump up the hole. IT WILL TAKE A WHILE! Up there are 2 capsules. One for the Save up 4 regular shots or on big shot. I prefer the big shot but that's me. No go to the next room and take it to the boss by just hitting it in the "eye" at athe far right when it opens. Get the ENERGY CAPSULE and get to the BOSS.
As soon as you see JET STINGRAY jump and dash to kill him. When he shows up again do it again but take a hit from him so he's all the way back if your too late you'll die. Then after that on the next ramp up jump to the top platform and jump dash to get the E-TANK. Then you'll get off the BIKE and get the ENERGY CAPSULE to the BOSS.
Now go through to the part where many ARMORS attack you. Take them out and get your own one! Now you can destroy the blue crates and trains! Bash through every train and hit them before you go on them. Inside of one has a HEART PIECE. Be careful and go to the part where you can't use the ARMOR anymore. The train will stop and bad guys will come behind you. Take them out adn go accross the part w/o being on a train to the next train. Hammer through to the BOSS.