(c) xdarkzerox
1. Chill Penguin
Requierments; Fire Wave:
Go to the capsule that you can't miss, then head to the part
Where you get a robot. Travel through the cave and at the exit
go to the top and use fire wave on the iglos and one will have it.
2. Flame Mammoth
Suggested; Body Armor
Go to the part where to get the arm upgrade and keep traveling
straight right. once on the complete other side you should see
the heart piece below you on the lava. Go through the closest
opening and make a dash to the end.
3. Storm Eagle
Suggested; Foot Dash
At the begging go on the moving thingys and go to the very top
one. Once on there Dash to the LEFT and jump on the moving object
and hope you make it to the platform with the heart piece.
4. Sting Chameleon
Requierments; Foot Dash, Head Crush, and Boomerang weapon
At the part before, where rocks fall in the cave (near body
armor upgrade) go down the hole and bash the bottom rocks.
Go to the top and make a leap and fire the boomerang. easier
said than done though.
5. Boomerang Kuwanger
Requirements; boomerang (funny)
At the part where you go outside go to the very top and do
you see the heart piece? use the boomerang at the right angle
and get it.
6. Launch Octopus
Suggestions; Storm Tornado
At the part where there is a big airplane, get on the top of it.
Shoot it out of the sky, and land where it lands. Follow the path
to a underwater snake. The best weapon to use is ST and will do
the job easily. After Claim your prize to the right.
7. Armored Armadillo
Suggestions; Fire Wave (not to have Arm upgrade) or arm upgrade.
At the second robot that attacks with the big spikes and followed you
the first time, it's time for revenge. Either use the flame wave if you don't
have the arm upgrade or use the arm upgrade charged at the beggining and
rapid fire. beat him before he gets to the HP. Note I said not to use the FW
w/o the Arm upgrade due to charging and the charge up sucks w/ FW.
8. Spark Mandrill
Suggestions; none really besides the foot upgrade
At the part right after the sub-boss, instead of going down the ladder,
go up and see the heart piece. 2 ways from here. Easy way is to go to the
other side and dash jump back to the platform. Hard is to just go up to the
HP from the right wall.